Useful Links




We hope the following information is useful in your trip planning.

United States Post Office - (907) 823-2225. Visit our Postmaster Stacy and get your Chitina postmark. Located in downtown Chitina, the Post Office is open 6 days a week.

Wrangell-St. Elias National Park Service Visitor Center - Stop in for current McCarthy Road conditions, hiking/backcountry maps and info or to learn about local history. Located in one of the oldest buildings in Chitina and situated in the downtown area it’s easy to find and well worth a visit.

Wrangell View Store - (907) 823-2265. Situated overlooking Town Lake on the right before the Cut you will find one of the best stocked little stores

Gilpatrick’s Hotel Chitina - (907) 823-2244. . Offering lodging and dining in an authentically restored building. Originally built in 1914, the hotel takes you back to the heyday of Chitina. Make sure and check out all the historical photos on display.